晚安浪漫情話英文 精品推薦




"I was tired again, for your thoughts diminished; I tired again, greetings to you unchanged; laziness me, for your blessings not slow; I will languish, and for your care still. Gently you said loudly: baby Good night!"


"Naughty Cupid arrow in my heart to your heart for flak, with years of Yaatsume at 520 emitted confession day, through life after life, the promise of true and sincere sincere promise: the same love of your life!"


"Before meeting the dreamer, God wants us to meet other people; when we finally meet the person, we will be grateful."


"Youth, the end is a love escape. Love, perhaps you first view consider that carefully worded, that tears of emotion, full skirts and look back; perhaps when joy heartless laugh, cry or piercing separation."


"Love between you and me, though not as deep as Romeo and Juliet; meaning between you and me, though not so true Butterfly Lovers; but love between you and me, absolutely is so pure. Never betray a lifetime!"


"There is only one name, makes me very worried, as there is an invisible line, one firmly tied on my apex, one clutched in your hands."


"Others do not have to envy, envy we like each other. I admire you so love me, you envy me but you do not want anything."


"People in the world so much, so much, why why do I know you? Ah, since you know, the course of my life, it opened a new chapter."

"這樣的深夜,你在做什麼。這樣的深夜,我在思念你。你看那天上的星星,顆顆代表我的祝福。睡吧,睡吧,明天再告訴我你到底收到了多少祝福。晚安。 "

"Such a night, what are you doing. This night, I miss you. Look at the stars, collections on behalf of my blessing. Sleep, sleep, tomorrow and tell me how much you received a blessing in the end. Good night."

"最難過的是遇見了,得到了,又匆忙的失去。然後在心底留了一道疤,它讓你什麼時候疼,就什麼時候疼——送給那個留在我心底的你! "

"The most sad is met, I got it, and in a hurry to lose. Then left a scar in my heart, when it makes you hurt, that's when the pain - given that you stay in my heart!"

"你的睫毛微微上翹,彈奏著美麗旋律的妙,你的嘴角微微上翹,刻畫著自信可愛的笑,親愛的,你每一個細節的魅力都是我愛追逐的目標,愛你。 "

"Your eyelashes slightly upturned, playing the beautiful melody of wonderful, your mouth slightly upturned, bears confident cute smile, my dear, you are the charm of every detail I love to chase the target, love you."

"雖說我們的生活清貧,但正因你的存在,讓我覺的很充實,生活不再那麼孤單,有了這樣一份關懷,我可以上刀山下火候海在所不辭。 "

"Although we live poor, but because of your presence, so I feel very full, life is no longer so alone, with such a concern, I can heat the knife down the mountain in the sea without any hesitation."

"我要這天,再遮不住我眼,要這地,再埋不了我心,要這眾生,都明白我意,要那諸佛,都煙消雲散! "

"I want this day, and then not cover my eyes, to this land, and then can not bury my heart, to that sentient beings, know my liking, to that Buddhas have vanished!"

"我的眼裡只有你,只有你讓我無法忘記;我的心裡只有你,只有你讓我創造奇蹟;愛你愛到歇斯底里! "

"I only have eyes for you, only you I can not forget; my heart only you, only you make me a miracle; love you till the hysteria!"

"寶貝:最近我牙齒痛,因為常常晚上想你,那感覺太甜蜜了,會蛀牙。 "

"Baby: I recently dental pain, because you always want the night, I feel too sweet, and will decay."

"問我喜歡做什麼?吃飯 睡覺 想你;為什麼心痛?因為心碎成三瓣,一瓣想你,一瓣念你,一瓣活著好好愛你。"

"Q. What do I like? Eat and sleep like you; Why sad? Because heartbreak into three, one like you, read you one, a living to love you."

"親愛的,我能想到最浪漫的事,就是吃飯時為你夾菜,天冷時為你披上外套;你開心時陪你一起開心,不開心時哄你開心;你寂寞時,不停給你發簡訊! "

"Honey, I can think of the most romantic thing is when you eat their food, a coat when it's cold for you; keep you happy when you are happy together, happy to make you smile when you do not; when you are lonely, ever give you send text messages!"


"If you are a mountain, I would like a river, I wound you; if you are a tea I would be water, I soak you; if you're a cloud, I wish the wind, I chase you."


"I want you, want you, I miss you, you find a painter to paint, paste in your cup, drink plenty of water every day to kiss you!"



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